
 Today, we learned about the 3 rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, and ethos) . Mr.Rease proposed to the class the option of having a free day on Friday. I will convince him using pathos. 

As a student who is becoming a junior, it has been a struggle to adapt to the junior lifestyle. We are officially upperclassmen and are looked upon of different. The expectations of us are not impossible, however,  the fact that there are expectations stresses me out. Ive also heard that Junior year is most of the time, the most difficult. Im under lots of pressure and I think it would be a great relief to have just at-least one day off. To get myself prepared for next week and caught up. It would be greatly appreciated. My teacher would probably like it as well. Being that he has 4 classes unlike the typical teacher at Cedar Grove. One being a class that is new to him. Sometimes we all need a break. 


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