war vets

 A way veteran’s past experience may affect there present life because seeing multiple deaths, encountering drugs, having to listen to another male dominate you all day, and being scammed can be draining. It can have a more than large affect on your mental. This can cause different disorders as in; schizophrenia, bipolar-ness, & PTSD. When you go to the army, lots of people were scammed thinking they were going to live this lavish life after war but that wasn't the case. This can ruin potential ideas you had or plans you had. When you expect a treasure, you make plans on what to do with it, normally. In Vietnam, war veterans also encountered drugs. Specifically, with the needle. Which had black neighborhoods in ruins. I know this specifically because 3-4 of my uncles died from HIV. When it was upcoming. These drugs were introduced during war and brought back and destroyed families. When a man talks to you as less than, it can most definitely destroy your confidence and test your manhood.  War most definitely has huge effects on people. 


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