
Showing posts from August, 2022

Where’s Mr Rease

 Today, Mr.Rease left early. Hopefully all is well and he’s healthy. However, he left an 80 answer paper. That was confusing because we never even did that much work in class. Very overwhelming. I liked the sub though. I dont know her name but it was in room 222. 

Emily D

 Today we went over more Emily Dickerson poems and I believe Emily was somebody everyone could possibly relate too. Whether it was love, thoughts or life. Out of all 3 poems I liked the love one the most because I could relate to it. However she is pretty confusing  


 Today we reviewed an Emily Dickerson poem about mental illness. I just think that mental illness is starting to become a hot topic but it should have already been. Especially in the black community, we look down on therapy and getting help because we’re so used to having to be strong. I just took this lesson today and said to myself, “its okay to ask for help”. 

Earth From Mars

 I think there is most definitely a chance life could be existent outside of Earth. Whether thats on Mars, Venus, Saturn etc.. I just believe they wouldn’t look like us or have the same format as a human. The picture of Earth from Mars just made me realize its bigger than us, than me. “Its” being the universe. We’re one of a whole. My reaction of the black hole was it sounds deep. Like its alot more stuff going on down there. By this today, it just made me realize, we are smaller than what we think. However, I believe you can be as big as you want to be. 

Mayor Lance-Bottoms

 Today we watched a video about Keisha Lance Bottoms. Which she was trying to convince the rioters to go home. Not only were they ruining their hometown and their dwellings, but fighting for the wrong cause. We are all upset about police brutality but sometimes people wont hear your message if it’s not said right. I understand her speech but I also understand the rage 

Bob & Her Two Kids

 Here’s the story that I wrote in class today.   


 Today, we learned about the 3 rhetorical appeals (logos, pathos, and ethos) . Mr.Rease proposed to the class the option of having a free day on Friday. I will convince him using pathos.  As a student who is becoming a junior, it has been a struggle to adapt to the junior lifestyle. We are officially upperclassmen and are looked upon of different. The expectations of us are not impossible, however,  the fact that there are expectations stresses me out. Ive also heard that Junior year is most of the time, the most difficult. Im under lots of pressure and I think it would be a great relief to have just at-least one day off. To get myself prepared for next week and caught up. It would be greatly appreciated. My teacher would probably like it as well. Being that he has 4 classes unlike the typical teacher at Cedar Grove. One being a class that is new to him. Sometimes we all need a break. 

Leo Month

 Today in class, we went over Native American Literature. Ww talked about myths, legends and religion. In the black community, legends and myths are used widely. One used commonly is splitting the pole is bad luck. These are myths but I still live by some of them day by day. I actually had a hard time staying awake today in class. Only because I have a migraine and my sleep schedule is so off.Honestly just ready to go home. 

Unpopular Opinions

Yesterday in American Lit., we were given slips which were chosen randomly. Slips that had unpopular opinions on them. My slip had the unpopular opinion that every human being resembles an animal. As it is known, humans evolved from an ape-like species. Which made us what we are today. Like anything else, we evolved but we still carry features and traits as if we were first put on Earth. I didn’t get to share my answer in class, but I do think it’s some sort of truth to this argument. 

My Purpose!

 My purpose is too make people feel better about themselves. I’m a hairstylist and I feel like every time someone steps out of my chair, they should be able to go out of town. They should instantly feel better about themselves. Based on reviews and whatnot, they do! I love that. I wish to continue with my passion because it honestly makes me happy. I also think my purpose is to build a better family. Connect the family and keep us united. My family seems to be very divided and I want that to end. I wish to honestly be a big happy family.

My Thoughts On Informal Vs Formal

 Today in Mr.Rease’s 4th period, we learned and talked about informal vs formal language. I believe it is really important to code switch and know when its the proper time to use certain “slang”. Only because people do judge you based off what you show. If informal language is always used, it could possible interfere with a job, a relationship, etc.. You don’t want future possibilities to be ruined because of they way you were speaking. 


 Hi blog, my name is Samari. I attend Cedar Grove High School thats located In Ellenwood, GA. I went to DCS in elementary school. Later in the 5th grade, I transferred to APS. I the. returned back to DCS in the 9th grade. I am 16 years old. Turning 17 on November 9th, 2022. I am originally from Decatur, GA. I love to do hair. It’s my passion, something I could see myself doing in the future. I also love to spend money. It doesn’t really matter whether its on food, memories, activities, or clothes. I actually believe in the term, “YOLO”. You’ll probably never see that pair of shoes in your size again available. Lastly, music has my heart. Any type. I listen to everybody from Tame Impala to 112. It comes in so much variety, you have no choice but to find what you like. 3 Goals that I would like to work hard for would to have enough credits to graduate Place top in FBLA  regions, and to get all my cords.