
Showing posts from September, 2022

fall started

 Today we went over some elements of Heritage Month. It included religion, arts and literature, language and etc. I think all cultures have certain things they are accustomed too. Thats what makes us different. I liked listening to the different things that people might live through

Hispanic Heritage Month

Includes all types of Spanish people  september 15th - october 15th Celebrates spanish heritage  started by former president lyndon b johnson

Class today

 Today we read again .. the same book. I was narrator .. We also took a little quiz. I was confused on some of the answers, but i guess. Im ready to see the assignment we are going to do for the next scene


 Today we learned how to find out the direct characterization of a character from indirect characterization. We used to the method “STEAL”. After, we continued to read more of Fences, which I really like. My classmates are actually doing a good job reading it too. So far, so good. 


 today we finished scene 1 of “Fences”. A play we are currently reading. I actually really like this story. Alot of the stories we have been reading have been something, as students of color, we can relate too. Which is stuff I like to read and enjoy reading. I would like it if there wasn't so many interruptions or getting off topic, I think we can get way further. Im loving the story though. 

the rockpile


Pop quiz dayyy

 Today we went took a quiz. However it was a normal test taking environment. After every answer we got the correct one.. and we had to scratch out the 2 most incorrect ones. So we had a bit of advantage kind of. I dont know if I really like this way because it made me overthink but yeah. Nice day in Mr. Rease class 


 Today we had to write an ending to a story, the Rockpile. I think it was kind of made harder than what it actually was. The only thing that could possibly stop you from doing that would be lack of creativity or knowledge of the story. After we went over testing strategies, which was well needed because it does become overwhelming to take a test and the process of elimination will be a big help. After we went over our assignment which I am excited to see everyone do. 

bell ringer - 09/13

 As the son looked up, he seen his dad with bags ready to leave. Dad felt as if he should be able to discipline these kids that he takes care of and loves truly. At that moment, he didn't feel like him and his wife were a team. He felt weak. This night he went to a hotel for a few days so he could get his thoughts collected. After a few days, he returned and decided to have a talk with his wife. “I thought we were a team. That if I felt he needed to be disciplined that you would be able to see the reasons why. Now he knows that we aren’t necessarily agreeing with each other. We could've came to negotiate on what we thought would have been necessary for his actions.”  The wife apologized and she realized what she said made him feel like he didn't have any authority as a man. They made up and decided to keep their son on punishment for 2 weeks. No outside, no after school, & no electronics. Son thought he was going to get sway with what he did, but that just wouldnt be ri


 Today in class, I actually went to sleep because I didn't feel good, but I know we were reading a narrative story. I dont know what it was really about but I know it was along the lines of a boy getting into a fight and he ended up getting in trouble. Im aware of them not really doing any notes though so I didnt miss anything, but I shouldve tried to stay awake atleast. 

My Neighborhood

 My neighborhood is actually quite big. Streets and streets of houses. We dont have alot of anything by my house. Which includes stores and fast foods. It is considered a “bad hood” .. I live in Bankhead but the houses are pretty nice still, despite the accusations and stereotypes of that part of the city. Lots of brick, sturdy houses. it is usually quiet and if I wanted to go outside, it wouldn't be a big deal. I walk to the store sometimes, however im scared of dogs and its alot of those. Therefore, i dont walk quite often. Ive been living there though since the 7th grade and I cant complain. My house is a good size. We have a porch and 2 balconies, a basement, a backyard, an attic. 3 bathrooms. Really nice. I appreciate it. 

war vets

 A way veteran’s past experience may affect there present life because seeing multiple deaths, encountering drugs, having to listen to another male dominate you all day, and being scammed can be draining. It can have a more than large affect on your mental. This can cause different disorders as in; schizophrenia, bipolar-ness, & PTSD. When you go to the army, lots of people were scammed thinking they were going to live this lavish life after war but that wasn't the case. This can ruin potential ideas you had or plans you had. When you expect a treasure, you make plans on what to do with it, normally. In Vietnam, war veterans also encountered drugs. Specifically, with the needle. Which had black neighborhoods in ruins. I know this specifically because 3-4 of my uncles died from HIV. When it was upcoming. These drugs were introduced during war and brought back and destroyed families. When a man talks to you as less than, it can most definitely destroy your confidence and test you


 i didnt come to school 

First Thursday of September

 Today we took a test.. It was real easy though I think I did good or atleast average. The time went by fast today and it wasnt that cold. 

Test Day

 Today we took a test on Emily Dickerson. It included 3 of her poems. My favorite question was the last response. I feel like it was probably one of the easiest. However, in this week of doing poems everyday, I realized I dont enjoy in depth poems. Id rather read something that is straight-forward.I know its no fun in that, but poems is not one of my favorite types of reading, specifically, Emily Dickerson poems. Back to the test though, I think I did okay. Im really not sure.